Google-sheets – Applying formula to lookup value in array of cells in Google Form Responses

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-forms

I have a Google Form response sheet, part of which contains several columns (say B:G) that will only have a single value between them. The form asks respondents for their county of residence and then their town of residence within that county on separate pages as a means to get around the fact that Forms doesn't have support for dependent questions.

Regardless, I'm trying to figure out a formula to return the value contained in these columns for each row, as well as a way to autopopulate this when new form responses are submitted. I gather this might include the use of ArrayFormula, but I haven't been able to figure it out.

Any advice?

Here's a sample sheet with dummy form data and the ideal return.

Best Answer


=ARRAYFORMULA(transpose(split(concatenate(if(B2:D<>"", B2:D,)&char(9)),char(9))))



or also:
