Google-sheets – Applying two filter functions in Google Spreadsheets

google sheets

I am trying to apply two filter functions in Google Spreadsheets:

Column (A) contains new data
Column (B) contains filter data, i.e. cells with text that should not be included in column C
Column (C) is the outcome, i.e. column A minus all the cell data in column B

I use this formula in column C:


It works well in the sense that it filters data (in this case e-mail addresses) that should not be included in column C. However, I would also like to be able to filter whole domains, i.e. if the domain is listed in column B then all addresses from column A ending with should be excluded from column C.

See example file I created: applying two filters

Anyone knows how to do this?

Best Answer

You'll need to have the raw data in a separate sheet or column from the filtered data. Here I'm assuming the raw data is in a sheet named rawData column A.

For the filtered dat you can use:

=FILTER(rawData!A:A, isError(search("", rawData!A:A)))

Put this formula in cell A1 of a new sheet where you want the filtered data.