Google-sheets – Assign formula every 16th row on sheet “Report” to reference other sheet

google sheetsworksheet-function

I am trying to reference cells in Column A of Sheet "Job Summary” from Sheet “Report”.

Except I need to allow 15 empty rows between each referencing formula on “Report” (16 rows total including the row with the formula).

So, dragging down the formula does not work. I thought I could create a filter to hide the 15 rows in the middle, then copy down, but that copies the formula to the hidden rows as well.

The 500 cells to be referenced are in order on “Job Summary” in a column A3:A502..

Need to copy this down 8,000 rows on “Report” so really need a solution.

The first formula should be entered in cell A4 on “Report” referencing Cell A3 on “Job Summary”.

Cell A4 on “Report” ='Job Summary'!A3
Cell A20 on “Report” =’Job Summary!A4
Cell A36 on “Report” =’Job Summary!A5

And so on…

Need a solution to copy down this formula on “Report”.

Best Answer

You want to enter a formula in sheet="Report" for the respective value in "Job Summary". The values in "Job Summary" are on sequential rows (A3:502). The first formula on sheet="Report" should be in Cell A4, and then every 16 rows (leaving 15 blank rows between each formula). For example, Cell A4, A20, A36, etc.

There are probably many solutions to this question. This is a quick-and-dirty answer that can be done accurately and reliably in a minute or two. No doubt there are other, more elegant answers (such as that provided by Dimension Datacraft) that would also be solutions to your question.

1 - Report:Cell C1 = 3

  • For the sake of transparency, I created a variable for the starting row on "Job Summary". You could just as easily build this into the formula.

2 - Report: Cell A4

  • ='Job Summary'!A3
  • manual entry of the first value

3 - Report: Cell A20

  • =indirect(address((counta ($A$4:A4)+$C$1),1,4,true,"Job Summary"))

4 - Select and copy the range Report:Cell A20:A35

5 - Select the range Report: A36:A8003

6 - Paste the clipboard value to the selected range.

  • This will create a further 498 copies of the formula, each separated by 15 blank rows, and each referencing the preceding cell on sheet="Job Summary".