Google Sheets – Automatic Currency Conversion

google sheetsgoogle-finance

I would like to add an automatic conversion thing to my spreadsheet.

I have two columns, A1 titled Money in USD and B1 titled Money in BRL.
I want to make it so whenever I enter a value in the USD column, it automatically enters the BRL value to the BRL column.

I found this:


…but I don't really know how to work with it for my purpose. And basically, I don't know how to work with any functions at all.

Is that easy enough or even possible?

Best Answer

The value of GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:USDBRL") is the value of one US dollar in Brazilian currency. This needs to be multiplied by the dollar amount that you want to convert. So, if B5 is the USD amount, the formula


will give the equivalent amount in Brazilian currency.