Google Sheets – Automatic Currency Conversion

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I have a personal accounting sheet that is mainly accounting in Euros, but for every manual Euro (EUR) entry I do, I want to have that entry converted to USD in the previous column next to it automatically, fixed at that moment's EUR -> USD rate (and not fluctuate with the currency exchange rate over time), and rounded up to the nearest dollar.

Currently, I only enter the converted amount manually, based on the output from a calculation cell with the =GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:EURUSD") function.

For each accounting entry, today's date is manually entered in column A, the EUR figure manually entered in column F, and I would like the automatically converted EUR -> USD figure (rounded up to the nearest dollar) to appear next to that EUR entry in column E, and remain unchanging. As a reference the =GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:EURUSD") function lives in cell J1, which is part of where I currently do the aforementioned manual currency conversions in the small calc table I1:L2.

Link to sample sheet here

Many thanks for any help!

Reference: Automatically store updated GOOGLEFINANCE values with a script

Best Answer

Other option is using the CurrencyConverter function from this Google Sheets add-on. It is fast and and has simple syntax. For example,

=CurrencyConverter(100, "USD", "EUR", "2/28/2020")

returns 91.09957183

Disclaimer: I am author of this add-on.