Google-sheets – Bar chart with dates on X and two values on each each date

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-charts

I want to create a bar chart in Google Sheets which looks (pretty much) like this :

bar chart

From data that looks like this :


As you can see in the first picture the date labels along the X axis skip a date so that every second pair of values is left with a label. I want every pair of red/blue values to share a value from the '1' row shown in the sheet.

The Data range is : C1:J1,B5:AA5,B25:J25 .

The following screen dump gives you a fuller view of all the settings

enter image description here

Best Answer

Google Sheets will do this when the axis units are recognized as a date. Double click on the horizontal axis, and check the Treat Labels As Text setting.

Before: enter image description here

After: enter image description here