Google Sheets – How to Calculate Cumulative Returns with Blank Cells

google sheets

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The formula that is in the Cumulative Return cell that is showing -0.09% is this.

=IF(ISBLANK(J2), 1, (1+J2))*IF(ISBLANK(J3), 1, (1+J3))*IF(ISBLANK(J4), 1, (1+J4))-1

How can I make it so that this automatically performs what I want when I insert new rows into Return. Right now I am having to keep adding IF(ISBLANK(J#), 1, (1+J#)) into the formula manually with incrementing # number.

Best Answer


The range is the key to the effectiveness of this formula.

When entering a new return/row, be careful to ensure that the formula range expands to include the new row. Don't enter a new row above the first row in the range, or below the last row in the range.

