Google Sheets – Calculate Total DateDif Average Between Two Columns

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-datesgoogle-sheets-timestamp

I'm having trouble getting a formula to work to calculate the total average time between times (start and end).

DateDif is the function that will do this individually (but only for days), I know using the TEXT function with DateDif could work (in my head). I've had issues getting it to work with Average, segmenting by years:


I've also tried writing the following which hasn't worked, with me now confusing myself and head scratching as I've not managed to find a solution online:


The result I'm after is to have the total average duration for each year, reported in F12:H12.

I hope this makes sense and I've not confused you more than myself!


Best Answer

You can use the following formulas:

For 2020 use in cell D2


You will get a number like 4.475757576. Format the cell as Duration to get the hours (if not interested leave it as is).

Following that, you can use the following formula in cell D3

=INT(D2)&"D "& HOUR(MOD(D2,1))&"H "&MINUTE(MOD(D2,1))&"M "&SECOND(MOD(D2,1))&"S"

Changing the year you get corresponding results.

Please adjust ranges and cells to your needs.

enter image description here

Functions used: