Google-sheets – Can Google Spreadsheets cache images

google sheetsimage-storageimages

I want to create a resource for a browser game and I need to export a ton of character portraits. The url of those portraits is automatically generated with character's id, so you can just load them with =image("url"), like this :

=image(concat("", A2, ".png"))

The problem is that it doesn't store loaded images and has to reload them every time, which will probably result in me getting banned.

Is there a way to make it load once and store somewhere? I'm going to access the spreadsheet exclusively through Google Docs.

Best Answer

First, you will not be get banned for using a built-in function like IMAGE(url) as the request is made from Google Servers and it's made anonymously. Anyway, if you want to "freeze" the images on your spreadsheet try the following

  1. Select the range having the IMAGE(url) formulas
  2. Copy
  3. Paste as value only

For the above procedure you could use the contextual menu (right clic), the Edit menu, or the Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts.