Google-sheets – Protect Scripts in Google Spreadsheets

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I have a Google spreadsheet that I need some people to edit certain parts, so they need edit permission. I have locks on virtually everything else (except things like adding a sheet, but that won't break anything). The problem is that I use quite a few scripts, and I don't know how to block these users from editing them. Is there any way to protect these scripts from being edited from everyone except me?

Best Answer

I wonder why this question hasn't got a decent answer yet after more than 4 years.

It's surprisingly simple :-) Just create a new script (standalone, or under another spreadsheet), and replace all the SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() calls by SpreadsheetApp.openById("spreadsheet-id") in which the spreadsheet-id is the last part of the document URL;{spreadsheet-id}

Using this easy trick, you access the shared spreadsheet by your own script that is not accessible to the others.