Google Sheets – Use ARRAYFORMULA Results in Annotated Timeline

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I am trying to create an annotated timeline with the following data, which exists on another sheet:

My sample data

I am using an ARRAYFORMULA to retrieve the text. I want to display these values as an annotated timeline chart, but I keep getting this error:

Each values column may be followed by one or two annotation columns. column number 1 is of type string

The error I am getting

I have tried

  • (Select Column) Format->Number->Date and

  • (Select Column)Data->Data Validation->Must be valid date

It is driving me nuts. Is it because it is an ARRAYFORMULA? If I hand type it out again (which is simply untenable) the chart generates fine. Is there a fix, or is this just broken?

Google Sheets link:

On "Sheet20", you will see the failing version, and if you scroll right you will see the identical hand typed data on a working version.

Best Answer

Yes they can, but the whole array needs to be converted back into VALUE()

B1: =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(A1:A),VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(Patches!B1:B1000, ".", "", 2)), ))