Google-sheets – Check button in Google Spreadsheets specific for each user

data validationgoogle sheetsgoogle-drive-sharing

I have a Google Spreadsheet with different tasks. I want to implement a check button in the following way:

My intention is that the users can't edit the spreadsheet but they have to be able to use the check button at each task. The difficult part is that it is the intention that these check buttons are user specific. So if one user checks or unchecks a button this doesn't change the check buttons of the other users. Further, it is the intention that when a user closes the spreadsheets and opens it the next day the same buttons have to be checked as when he closed the spreadsheet.

The farthest I got is to make checkboxes that only I as the creator of the spreadsheet can edit. Does anybody have an idea how I could make this or if it is even possible to make?

Best Answer

If you need a checkbox to be user specific, meaning that each user see different value (checked/unchecked), then you should use a different sheet for each user or to use a Menu/Dialog/Sidebar/Web App together with the Properties Service of Google Apps Script to set/get user properties.