Google-sheets – Clear range of cells based on another

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I'm having trouble trying to write a script that will clear a range of cells based on another. For example I want to clear out only the cells C:H on each row if cell K on that row contains the word "Harvestable". I tried to use another example and adjust it as best to my knowledge (which isn't that good) but it's not clearing the cells when I either run it from the script editor or click the button assigned to it.

function onClick() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Gardens");

  var seeds = sheet.getRange('C8:H68'); 
  var status = sheet.getRange('K8:K68').getValue(); 

  for (var i=0; i<status.length; i++) {  
    if (status[i] == "Harvestable") {

Best Answer

This line will assign the value of K8 to status

var status = sheet.getRange('K8:K68').getValue(); 

In order to assign the values from K8:K68 instead of getValue() use getValues()

Also replace

status[i] == "Harvestable"


status[i][0] === "Harvestable"

The above because getValues() returns an Array of Arrays (a bidimensional array or matrix) and it's better to use === to prevent confusions caused by automatic object data type coercion.