Google Sheets – Click Cell to Open Data in Popup

google sheets

Is it possible to have a cell that just says "click me" or whatever, which opens a popup so you can see the full data?

I want to keep all my data contained in one row per item, but one cell per item has a lot of information that would cause the row to then expand and be large.

Ideally I'd like to put a mini-spreadsheet inside the popup, but I doubt that's possible.

What are my options for containing a lot of data in one cell, which the user must click to access?

Best Answer

Try "Insert Notes" or "Insert Comment" options. Right click on any cell and enter the note or comment. These two options should open a small window of text that you have entered when you click or move the mouse cursor on top of it.

You can also edit the 'Comment'. Please refer the screenshot below.

enter image description here