Google Sheets – Combine Custom Formula with Colour Scale in Conditional Formatting

conditional formattingformulasgoogle sheets

In Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets, I'm wondering if it is possible to combine the Format Cells if – Custom Formula is with a Colour Scale?

It would appear not, but is there a clever workaround to achieve it?

I have a Custom Formula which returns a numerical value between 1 and 100. I then want to assign a different cell colour for each number on a colour scale from Red to Green via Mid Point of Grey.

So 1 = Red, 50 = Grey, and 100 = Green: with all the gradations in between.

I could spend time creating 100 unique rules – one for each number/colour – but it would be much simpler to use a colour scale.

I have a feeling I may need to use an Apps Script, but I don't know how.

Best Answer

This is now possible by inserting a formula instead of a static number into the box for min/mid/max amount. enter image description here