Google Sheets – Conditional Countif Date is Before Today and Cell in Another Column is Blank

formulasgoogle sheets

Column AE has dates
Column AG has text

I need to count how many rows have these occurrences:

  1. Column AE is before today
  2. Column AG is blank

I've been trying for a while, looking around the questions and answers, I got this, but it gives me an error:

=COUNTIF(AE3:AE124,"<"&TODAY()), isblank(AG3:AG124)

Best Answer

If you have multiple IFs, use COUNTIFS instead of COUNTIF.

 =countifs(AE3:AE124, "<"&today(), AG3:AG124, "=")

The format is: first range, criterion for it, second range, criterion for it, and so on.

The condition "=" means being empty, while "<>" would be "non-empty".