Google-sheets – Conditional Format IF Blank by 1st of Month

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I am trying to create a Google sheet to track payments for a team. I want a cell to turn red if a value hasn't been entered by the 1st of the month. I have 2 other formats already set up to change to green or yellow depending on full payment or partial payment.

Best Answer

If a payment has not been received on an transaction by the first day of the following month, you want the payment cell to appear red.


  • Column A = Transaction date
  • Column B = Transaction value
  • Column C = Amount received.

Use this formula as a "custom formula" for Column C in Conditional formatting. =and(isblank(C2),today()>EOMONTH(A2,0)+1)


  • AND() Returns TRUE, if both expressions are true
  • isblank() - checks that no payment has been received; returns TRUE/FALSE
  • today()>EOMONTH(A2,0)+1) - is todays date grater than the first day of the month following the transaction date. TRUE/FALSE