Google-sheets – Conditional Formating for Google Sheet comparing to list of text (highlight duplicates)

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I am trying to create a custom formula for conditional formatting. I want to highlight the cell if the text appears in a list of names. This list will contain 210 unique names so I can't type each one of those into the formula. I am hoping I can reference a list, but can't seem to find a example for Google Sheets. I was able to see an example for excel that would reference a "List" you would create.


Best Answer

EDIT (following your comment)

All duplicate values highlighted in both columns is achieved using:

  • In range D3:D27: =COUNTIF($A$3:$A,D3)
  • In range A3:A27: =COUNTIF($D$3:$D,A3)

duplicates in both columns.

First approach

I believe the formula you need is as simple as: =$A1="Roman"

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