Google-sheets – Conditional formatting based on multiple cells

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I'm trying to figure out how to write a formula for Google Spreadsheet where:

If F3 Contains Data and G3 is more than 0 then cell J3 is Highlighted in Green

Can anyone help me out with this?

Best Answer

Use conditional formatting in cell J3 with the formula =AND(ISBLANK(F3)=FALSE,G3>0)


  1. Select cell J3 and click on Format > Conditional formatting
  2. Select the options as in the screenshot below and paste the above formula in the required field.

Google Sheets - Conditional formatting

Conditional formatting is applied if the formula results to TRUE. This will only be the case if both the cell F3 is not be blank (= contains data) and if cell G3 is higher than 0.