Google-sheets – Conditional formatting formulas in Google Sheets

conditional formattingformulasgoogle sheets

I want to use Conditional formatting so all of the cells in column A change colors whenever the matching cells in column B have the word "later".
ex: If cell B20 contains "later", then I want A20 to change colors. (font or fill, anything)

I've tried everything, nothing seems to be working.

My range is A10:A998

And my custom formula is: =$B10:B998="later"

I've also tried it without the $ sign in the beginning.
Is this rule not working because I have another rule for column A? The other rule changes the text color if it contains a check mark, but that is only within its own column.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Best Answer

custom formula applicable to range A10:A998: =B10="later"