Google Sheets – Fix Conditional Formatting Range Error

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I am using the new Google Spreadsheet application. Here is my data…

  • Cell B3 = 60
  • Cell B5 = 47
  • Cell B6 = 52
  • Cell B7 = 75.1
  • Cell B8 = 68.4
  • Cell B9 = 56

I setup this conditional formatting rule…


For some reason that I do not understand, cell B6 turns red. All the other cells are formatting the way I expect them to be. When I change the "Range" in the conditional formatting rule to only "B6", it does not turn the cell red. Am I misunderstanding the "Range" field? Is this a defect or by design?

Can anyone explain this?

Best Answer

Something seems to be off with the conditional formatting. One solution, anyway, as Vidar suggested, is to use Custom formula is instead of Greater than in the dropdown. Use the formula =B5>$B$3 with your range.