Google Sheets – Conditional Checkbox

conditional formattingdata validationformulasgoogle sheets

I am creating a spreadsheet which can track all of the replacement items I am sending out for my business, however, I also want to be able to track my refunds on the same spreadsheet. I have got it so that a checkbox is conditionally formatted to change the background colour of certain cells to signify if the replacement has been sent out. Is there a way that the conditional formatting can be adapted to have a different colour if a different box says Replacement or Refund. (See attached photos for reference)

enter image description here

I would like to be able to have a different colour for the cells if the "Replacement/Refund" Field has "refund" in the cell.

Best Answer

  • custom formula for rule 1: =AND($I2=TRUE, $C2="Refund") (green color)

  • custom formula for rule 2: =AND($I2=TRUE, $C2="Replacement") (blue color)