Google-sheets – Conditionally format if date is same/greater or smaller than current date

conditional formattinggoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-dates

I'm trying to get my Google sheet to automatically colour a cell red if the current date is the same or greater than the date in the cell.

Example: today is 21/02/2020.

The date in the cell is 25/02/2020. The cell is green.

The date in the cell is 21/02/2020. The cell is red.

The date in the cell is 15/02/2020. The cell is red.

How can I achieve this?

The date in the cell will be changing pretty often. It's to indicate when an update is due. When the update has been completed, the date in that cell will change. This will of course be done manually. I'm just looking to find the best way of doing this.

Best Answer

Color everything in red then go to Format > Conditionnal Formatting

Choose Format cell if

Date is after >

Exact date >

Cell reference

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