Google Sheets Conditional Formatting – Format Range Based on Other Cell Values

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I have created a Google spreadsheet. It has actual values and calculated values. I want the background to be green if the calculated value is less than the actual value and red if it is more.

It's a pain to individually format each cell and pasting the conditional formatting is not working as I expect. Is there an easier way?

Here's what I managed to do so far.

Best Answer

As for other formulae, conditional formatting rules are required to start with =. So for green I adjusted to:

=$G2 <= $B2  

and for red to:

=$G2 > $B2  

Range for both of G2:G5 is fine if you just want the highlighting to apply to ColumnG but if to apply to ColumnsC:G then change Range: to C2:G5.