Google-sheets – Convert multiple currencies and total the results in one cell

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-cell-format

I have 4 currency columns (GBP, Euro, DKK, SKK). I then want to convert them to GBP in the 'Total Column. Is there a formula to look at all 4 currency columns and then convert to GBP in the specific exchange rate I enter?

Cell A | Cell B | Cell C | Cell D | Cell E 
GBP    | Euro   | DKK    | SKK    | (A/0, B/1.11, C/8.25, D/11.8)

Best Answer

The function googlefinance provides the current exchange rates for all these currencies. For example, this converts the amounts in A1, B1, C1, D1 from (GBP, EUR, DKK, SKK) to GBP, and adds them.

=A1 + B1*googlefinance("currency:EURGBP") 
    + C1*googlefinance("currency:DKKGBP") 
    + D1*googlefinance("currency:SKKGBP")