Convert String to Real Date Time Value in Google Sheets

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-datesregex

Here is my current input:


And yes, as it shows, there is a line break in the cell…

Here is example sheet:

How could this be turned into an actual date and time?
I would love it if it could handle the whole column down

Best Answer


In your Google thread you mention:

Would really like to be able to convert this in one formula/step.
I would love if it if could handle the whole column down.

In this case, you can use the following formula

     &" "

Convert stings in a column to Date time, using an arrayformula

Original answer:

The raw, unformatted value will be returned.
Format the result as Date time from the Format menu.

Convert string to real date time value

Functions used: