Google-sheets – Count unique values in second column corresponding to unique value in first column

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-queryvlookup

I have a Google sheet with cities corresponding to countries like this. Notice that neither countries nor cities are unique and there can be duplicates.

|    A    |      B     |
| UK      | London     |
| UK      | Manchester |
| UK      | Manchester |
| UK      | Birmingham |
| Ireland | Dublin     |
| Norway  | Oslo       |
| Norway  | Trondheim  |

Now I want to count the number of unique cities for each unique country. The result should look like this.

|    C    | D |
| UK      | 3 |
| Ireland | 1 |
| Norway  | 2 |

I got column C using UNIQUE(A1:A). But how do I get column D?

Best Answer

 "select Col1,count(Col2) 
  where Col1 is not null 
  group by Col1
  label count(Col2)''", 0)


 "select Col1,count(Col2) 
  where Col1 is not null 
  group by Col1
  label count(Col2)''", 0), 2, 0)))