Google Sheets – How to Count Occurrences

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-query

I've been brought on last minute to sort out tent allocation for a festival of about 1500 people. Their ticket sales are a spreadsheet on Google Drive. I have never done this kind of thing before (I'm an English teacher), but I'm good with software, generally, and have experience with basic programming functions.

Tents will be allocated based on 3-day passes (sheet 1), and 2-day passes (sheet 2). The unique identifier is ticket number, with other details in separate fields.

Sheet 3 (my job) will show the individual tents, and who is inside.

I'll allocate a tent number in a new column within the sales sheets (sheets 1 and 2 – based on customer request). I want to parse these columns to sheet 3, such that sheet 3 displays the tent number, and details of attendees inside that tent (using unique identifier of ticket number).

I'm guessing that each tent will be an array?

As an extra challenge, I want to bound the tents to limits (4-man, 6-, 10-man tent), so that if the number of occurrences of tent x exceeds its bounds, it returns an error.

Best Answer

Some finishing touches were applied that have been the subject of another question where there seems to be recognition that a a satisfactory overall conclusion has been reached. This contribution to that from this post was essentially a formula:

=query('3 Day - Friday Bus'!A5:I10,"Select I, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H order BY I desc")  

to select data from a range in another sheet, slightly rearrange it and order it (descending to avoid blanks floating to the top).