Google Sheets – Create a Grade Sheet with Conditional Formatting

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I'm trying to create a grade sheet where it will flag number grades in a certain range by turning that row another color.

The problem I'm having has to do with grades of Zero. I have this formula for the other grades, with 90% being the passing mark, so anything above that isn't marked

=and($E:$E<90%, $E:$E>0%)

The problem is that apparently the value of an empty cell is considered to be 0 by the spreadsheet. If I did a conditional format with the following:


the spreadsheet lights up.

Best Answer

You can use isblank() to format blank cells the way you want to. For example

=or(and($E:$E<90%, $E:$E>0%), isblank($E:$E))


=or(and($E:$E<90%, $E:$E>0%), not(isblank($E:$E)))

By the way, you can simply enter $E1 here instead of $E:$E - the conditional formatting formula can be written as it applies to the upper left corner of the range.