Google Sheets – Create a List of Categories from a 2D Array

google sheets

I have data like the following:

CategoryA SubA1 SubA2
CategoryC SubC1

I would like to avoid using scripts and hopefully only use one (albeit complex) formula to get an array like the following:

{"CategoryA", "CateogryA-SubA1", "CategoryA-SubA2", "CategoryB", "CategoryC", "CategoryC-SubC1", ...}

So far I have been able to get various pieces of this, but I don't know how to combine it all together. For example I can get {"CategoryA-SubA1", "CategoryA-SubA2"} with ARRAYFORMULA(CONCAT(CONCAT(A1, "-"), FILTER(B1:1, NOT(B1:1 = "")))). I have also gotten this:



The difficulty seems to come from dealing with a 2D array. I want to do a particular operation to each row, which involves doing a particular operation to each column in that row.

Best Answer

I think any formula will be limited by the number of columns or rows that it can handle. Here is one for 4 columns, A-D:

=iferror({filter(A1:A,len(A1:A)); filter(A1:A&"-"&B1:B, len(B1:B)); filter(A1:A&"-"&C1:C, len(C1:C)); filter(A1:A&"-"&D1:D, len(D1:D))}) 

It removes empty cells from each column, and prepends the content of A to the columns other than A. The iferror wrapper suppresses #N/A, which are returned when a filter has empty output. The output is a column; if you prefer a row, use transpose, and if you want a single-cell output, use join.