Google Sheets – Create Keyboard Shortcut in Chrome OS to Move to Next Sheet

chrome-osgoogle sheetskeyboard shortcuts

I really need to create a keyboard shortcut to move from one sheet to the next in Google Sheets in Chrome OS. In Mac this exists, but does not on Chrome OS. There is an extension called Shortcut Manager (Chrome web store) that allows you to create a javascript app to activate a shortcut, but I have no idea how to do this.

On a Mac the shortcuts are theses:

Ctrl + Shift + PageDown → Move to next sheet (Cmd + Shift + Fn + Down arrow on a Mac)

Ctrl + Shift + PageUp → Move to previous sheet (Cmd + Shift + Fn + Up arrow on a Mac)

It would be nice to have something simpler on Chrome OS. Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Without installing a Chrome extension, you can use these three key combinations to go to the next sheet on Chrome OS.

  1. Alt+Shift+K (Display list of sheets)

  2. up/down key (Highlight sheet)

  3. Enter (Go to sheet)
