Google-sheets – Custom highlighting style on Google Spreadsheet

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I am new to Google spreadsheet and I'm wondering if there are any other ways to draw attention to a box rather than just change its colour.

I want to emphasize a box drawing a circle on it.

I saw that you can draw a figure and assign it to a script, Is it possible to make it transparent and through a script be positioned over a box with a certain value? Or this feature is meant only to trigger scripts?

Best Answer

It's possible to use Google Apps Script to insert an image to a sheet in a spreadsheet, but as far as I know, Google Apps Script doesn't have a service to draw that image, so you should create or get the image first.

If you are new to Google Spreadsheet and to Google Apps Script, consider to start learning about them at


The Slides Service was added to Google Apps Script, so now it's possible to make a drawing there, but it's not yet ready to edit a box to draw a circle into it directly on Google Sheets, but it's closer :)

See Extending Google Slides.

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