Google-sheets – Date Formatting for Deadlines

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I have set up a Google spreadsheet for managing projects and due dates, and I need to apply the following formatting to a column of dates, but I'm not sure how:

  • Dates more than 7 days from today: Black
  • Dates less than or equal to 7 days from today: Green
  • Dates before today (late projects): Red

I found someone having a similar issue, but this doesn't actually do what it needs to do. It turns dates that are only 1 week LATE orange. It does not change dates that are one week AWAY orange. So this isn't working… unless I'm missing something.

Best Answer

For Dates more than 7 days from today: Black I am assuming (i) more than 7 days in advance of today and (ii) black font is suitable – so no conditional formatting is necessary other than that applied elsewhere.

For Dates less than or equal to 7 days from today: Green I am again assuming in advance of and suggest select column, Format, Conditional formatting…, Custom formula is:


with Background Colour: ticked and green chosen.

For Dates before today (late projects): Red select column, Format, Conditional formatting…, Custom formula is: as before and:


with Background Colour: ticked and red chosen.