Google-sheets – Date Query in Google Sheets with importrange

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-queryimportrange

I have two tables.
Table A= Customer Feedback
Table B= KPI

In Table A I have a column for a date with format mm/dd/yyyy

and in Table B I have 2 columns as from date and to date with the format.

I want a count of all rows from Table A that lies within from date and to date in Table B

I am using below query:

 "select Col9 where Col8 = '"&Sheet1!A2&"' and Col4 > date 
 '"&TEXT('"&Sheet1!J2&"',"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and Col4 <= date 
 '"&TEXT('"&Sheet1!K2&"',"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' ",1))

this query works fine if there is no date verification involved:

 "Customer_Feedback_Report!A2:L250"),"select Col9 where Col8 = '"&Sheet1!A2&"' "))

but with date verification it is showing error. Can anyone help?

Best Answer

you got #ERROR! because you wrapped Sheet1!J2 and Sheet1!K2 between '"& &"' ...try:

             "select Col9 where Col8 = '"&Sheet1!A2&"' and Col4 >  date 
             '"&TEXT(Sheet1!J2, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'       and Col4 <= date 
             '"&TEXT(Sheet1!K2, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"' ", 1))