Google-sheets – Download list of contact information and check if Google Account

google sheetsgoogle-appsgoogle-apps-scriptgoogle-contacts

In order to retrieve a list of all of my contacts into a Google spreadsheet, I exported them as a Google CSV and then imported them into a new spreadsheet.

Determine if the contact is a Google account

Is there a function in the Google spreadsheet API that can determine if the contact is a Google account or not?

getIM() is the only one I saw that might be able to do this.

Best Answer

I don't think there is a way to do this using the methods of ContactsApp in Google Apps Script. But you can use Google+ API to search, e.g., by email address; this can be done in any language, including JavaScript (the documentation page has sample code and a form you can use to try out this search, so I'm not giving details here).

This will only find people with a public Google+ profile, but this is probably inevitable: after all, just having someone's email address shouldn't entitle you to find out whether they have a Google account that they wish to keep private.