Google Sheets – Editing Comma Delimited Cell to Replace Some Items

google sheets

I have a cell that contains mixed input of one or more delimited items eg:


I need to replace the items that contain ALPHA code eg ABC1 (from a finite list of about 25 codes)

with a new sequence (eg ABC1 becomes avocado,apricot,carrot, eg BBC2 becomes plum,damson,leek)

so that the new output looks like this

apple,avocado,apricot,carrot,banana,plum,damson,leek... etc

Can I do this with a formula?

I've tried switch and if but these only change the entire cell when a single item gets matched…

"ABC1", "avocado,apricot,carrot",
"BBC2", "plum,damson,leek"

EDIT – thanks for feedback already, more info will be helpful here… This cell is in one column of about 400 rows, and I'm looking at creating a formula that can iterate through all rows. Also the number of delimited items in each cell varies (eg the next row might look like this: ABC1,banana)

Best Answer

Please use the following


enter image description here

(you should to adjust ranges and values to your needs)

Functions used: