Google-sheets – Embedding a Google Visualization Chart inside a Google Spreadsheet

google sheetsgoogle-chart-api

Unfortunately, the embedded charts in Google Spreadsheets do not have the customization I want. I would like to use a Google Visualization Chart instead. The documentation discusses how to use a Google Spreadsheet as a datasource, but the problem is that this requires you to give permission to view the spreadsheet itself to the chart to run the query.

This could be worked around if I could embed the chart within the Google Visualization so that I don't need to allow outside access, but I can't see any way to do that.

I am open for potential solutions to this problem that will:

  1. Allow me to not share my spreadsheet publicly
  2. Allow me to use Google Visualization to create a chart of the data in the spreadsheet
  3. Preferably do it within the Google Docs environment (rather than having to create a separate HTML file or store it on a separate site like jsfiddle)

Is there any way to accomplish this?

Best Answer

As far as I know, there isn't a way to do that. Instead, create a Web App as it accomplish the three requirements.

Web apps and Google Sites Gadgets - Google Apps Script