Google Sheets – Explain Column Meanings to Chart Editor

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-charts

I'm trying to make a simple chart displaying the number of events that occurred each month in X years. This means I want a chart that shows:

  1. X colored lines, one for every year
  2. Month names marked on the X axis
  3. Event counts on the Y axis

graph drawn in MS Paint

My table looks (it's Czech but I suppose it's comprehensible) like this:

Google Sheets screenshot

I tried all I could think off, but the chart keeps putting years on X axis and sometimes produces a total mess.

If I select Table option in the chart editor, I get this mess:

click for JSFiddle link

Is the chart even capable of rendering what I want?

I mean, my request is quite basic I'd say – so how come it took me so long and it still doesn't work?

Best Answer

Select all your data including labels and insert a Line chart. Then in Chart Editor check Switch rows/columns, Use column A as headers and Use row 1 as labels:

WA71257 example