Google Sheets – How to Extract the Nth Occurrence of a Number from a String

google sheets

Sample Spreadsheet

I have an =IMPORTHTML function in my spreadsheet that imports a table on a website containing information I need for my spreadsheet. One of these imported cells contains a text string with three different numbers in it. I only need the third number. How can I extract this third number?

I've tried using the following formula, but it only gives me the first occurrence of a number:


Best Answer

String in A2:

Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 280 runs.
100 runs are done at a time.
Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).

=REGEXEXTRACT(A2,"(\d+) runs ")

If the test string is of the exact format as shown above, the above REGEX should work.

  • \d+ represents one or more digits.
  • () inside REGEX represent capture group.


Based on the clarification that test strings can also be "run" instead of "runs",

=REGEXEXTRACT(A2,"(\d+) run(?:s){0,1} ")



should work.
