Google Sheets – How to Fill Value in Multiple Cells

google sheetskeyboard shortcuts

In MS Excel, after selecting a range of cells it is possible to enter a value and press CTRL+ENTER to have that value set in all selected cells.

Is there a keystroke in Google Spreadsheets that would achieve the same result?

Note: I know about the drag the cell's corner feature; I'm interested in doing this using only the keyboard.

Right now the closest to this I've got is:

  • enter value in one cell
  • CTRL+C;
  • select range of cells;
  • CTRL+V.

but I'd be a lot happier if it's possible to do this in fewer steps.

Best Answer

This should be possible see: Keyboard shortcuts for Google spreadsheets.

Are you using a Mac?

The workflow is as follows

  1. Enter the value in one of the cells
  2. Select your range with your cursor by grabbing from the first cell and dragging (no need to hold the blue cross in the corner, but the range should be highlighted when you are finished)
  3. Type CTRL+Enter (windows) CMD+Enter (Mac)

This fills the selected range with the value.

The only other option would be to use Array formulas

When you press Ctrl+Shift+Enter while editing a formula, you'll automatically get =ArrayFormula( added to your formula.

Consider saving the official shortcuts for Google Spreadsheet as a bookmark on your browser.