Google-sheets – FILTER function in non-continuous sections

google sheets

I have seen similar questions asked but have not found a good working solution.

I have a spreadsheet which has two sections which need to be filtered into a separate tab.
The first column is names, all of which have the first three columns of data in common. After that, depending on the name, I need to draw in three other columns (non-adjacent to the first section) using a formula in a different tab.

I have created a tab (Nancy) with the first FILTER function in play (the first three columns of data), but cannot find a way to filter in the other set of data using a separate function.

I would like to make tabs for the all other names which will filter data as new information is entered on the master sheet.

Best Answer

From the comment of pnuts

I'm not sure what you want but perhaps this might be a step forwards: =query(Sheet1!A1:X15,"select A,B,C,D,H,I,J where A = 'Nancy' ",1). In other words, what actual results do you want/where from your sample data?