Google Sheets – Filter Multiple Values Using Condition Tool

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-filter

I'm trying to filter a long list of URLs to narrow down which ones I'm interested in. I've got my URL list in Google Spreadsheet and I'm using the filter tool to remove data that I don't want.

At the moment using the filter setting: Filter by condition, text does not contain.

This works fine but so far I've only been able to set input 1 value in there. I.e. pinterest

What I want to do is put multiple values into that box IE. "pinterest" OR "facebook" OR "twitter" or something like pinterest, facebook, twitter. Like the image below (although if I run this it doesn't filter at all.. any ideas?

I've created a shared spreadsheet here to test in


Best Answer

You can filter using a regular expression. Use the options Filter by condition > Custom formula is...

=not(regexmatch(N:N, "(?i)facebook|pinterest|twitter"))

to see only the strings that do not contain one of the above.

Here N is the column you're filtering, and the regular expression means: the string contains match one of words facebook, pinterest, twitter, case-insensitive. And not is the negation of that.