Google Sheets – Filter Pivot Table by Multiple Values

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayspivot table

I have a pivot table below that I am trying to filter dynamically based on a separate list and am trying to figure out how to do this by referencing the relevant field. In the below example I have the same data set and I would like to filter column B (referral) by G3:G4 ( and Ideally, the final result would be the pivot table would display everything aside from "" found under

In the pivot table editor I've tried to choose filter -> referral -> filter by condition by a few different ways including:


If I run the above formulas outside the pivot table's filter it works fine, but inside nothing seems to work, even replacing B3 with B:B

If anyone has any advice on how to get this to work I would be highly appreciative.

enter image description here

Best Answer

  • use this formula to filter out stuff you need and then construct pivot table from there:

    ={E829:H829; FILTER(E830:H837, COUNTIF(B830:B837, G830:G837))}