Google Sheets – Formula for Filtering Duplicate Data Pairs

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-query

I'm making a table to check duplicate data.
Where data that wants to be duplicated is in the "Sampel1" column and the duplicate checking results are in the "Status" column.


The formula that I have made is:

=if(COUNTIF($A$3:A3, A3)>1, "Duplicate", "No")

I want when table 1 is filtered only for duplicates, the results can be seen in the picture below:

Table results that have been filtered

Best Answer

  • paste this in B2:

  "select *", 0),
  "select count(Col1), Col1 where Col1 is not null group by Col1 order by Col1", 0), 
  "select Col2 where Col1 >1", 0)&"♥Duplicate", "♥")), 2, 0), "No"), ))}