Formula to Return a Cell Name in Google Sheets

formulasgoogle sheets

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to write a formula that will find some data in a spreadsheet and then return the location (cell column and row) of that data.

For Example

The target data will be somewhere in the range D:F

Column A has a copy of the target data.

Column B needs a formula that will return the location (cell column and row) in range D:F of the target data.

Best Answer




It's assumed that there are no headings and the there are no blank/empty cells on the data table on columns D, E and F

The formula has the following construct for columns D, E and F, to build a table with two columns, one for the value, the other for the address of the cell containing them.


Each of the tables are joined and sorted

VLOOKUP is used to find the address of the values on column A.

If sheet use headings, change the references on FILTER(A:A,LEN(A:A) to indicate the row at which the data value starts, i.e. replace A:A by A2:A.


ARRAYFORMULA is applied to fill the results column automatically.

IFERROR added to remove the #N/A error if value from A is not present in D,E, or F