Google Sheets Count – Formula to Count All Cells Containing Specific Texts in Google Sheets

google sheets

Here is a link to a sample spreadsheet:

What I want to do is count all unique values in column C (ID) and all values in column A (initial email) in the month of November.

This is the best I could come up with:

=COUNTUNIQUE(FILTER(Sample!C2:C,Sample!A2:A="Mon, Nov. 23, 2015 2PM"))

But it would only count one specific date in November so I would have to also count all the other dates and then total them. Is there a way for the formula to count all unique values in column C and count all values in Column A containing "Nov"?
To add to that, I also need to count all values in Column F (Response category), containing unique ID for the month of November.

Best Answer

You can filted by regexmatch instead of equality.

=countunique(filter(Sample!C2:C, regexmatch(Sample!A2:A, "Nov")))

Matching the regular expression "Nov" simply means containing "Nov" somewhere in the string.