Google Sheets – Formula Value Change After Script Pastes into Another Range

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I have a script that pastes a formula from one cell into a range in a column. When pasted the range just disappears. I mean the whole formula is OK except the pointer. Any ideas how to deal with this?

function formulas() {
  var planil = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var shimi = planil.getSheets()[0];

Formula to copy:


Formula Copied :

=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(({}),CHAR(34)&""&CHAR(34)&" <","MUSIMUNDO"),CHAR(34)&""&CHAR(34)&" <","DIRECTV"),CHAR(34)&""&CHAR(34)&" <","TLC"),CHAR(34)&""&CHAR(34)&" <","SONY")

Best Answer

It seems that when copying from ColumnE into ColumnB without the $s the pasted formulae were trying to automatically adjust but since A:A is the first column they were unable to adjust to a column further to the left, and that the solution is merely to fix the column reference in the source formula.