Google Sheets – Generate Hyperlinks from Cell Contents

google sheetslinks

I have a column of cells in a Google Spreadsheet with values such as:


What I would like to do is generate a hyperlink for each cell like:

…where xxxxx is the value of the cell. I know the format of a hyperlink in a Google spreadsheet and could do the job manually, I'm just wondering if I can generate these using a simple find/replace, or whether it will need scripting.

The new hyperlink can either go into the original cell, or a new cell can be created.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Assuming your values are in column A, you can do this in column B:

=HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("",A1);"link text")

Then you can auto-fill down the rest of the column.

If you want the text of the link to be the same as the id you're linking, that's as simple as