Google Sheets and Drive – How to Get a List of Drive Files into a Spreadsheet

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I am playing around with AwesomeTable and like the Post-It template. My use case is to curate a nice interface to a list of frequently used files. The list won't change dramatically over time, but it will change weekly. I'd love to be able to automatically generate the list of files (via tags, names, last modified date, etc.) instead of manually adding them. Is there a way for the underlying Google Sheet to query Google Drive to get a list of Drive files into the Google Sheet that Awesome-Tables uses?

Best Answer

It sounds like Files Cabinet is what you're looking for. It's a free add-on to Awesome Table.

To quote their blurb, Files Cabinet "helps you list a Google Drive folder. It explores every child folder and lists every file that can be found. After giving you a quick count of all the folders and all the files, you get a list of the files that are ready to be displayed in a catalog created with Awesome Table."

For those, like myself, who may live down a coal mine and were previously ignorant of these things, Awesome Table is an extremely popular add-on (10+ million users) for Google spreadsheets that enables users to create visualisations of spreadsheet data with little or no coding; the visualisations can be accessed via Google spreadsheet or can be embedded in a web page. At the time of writing, it is "*free for up to 1000 pageviews / month".