Google-sheets – get separate URLs to FilterViews on Google Sheets

google sheets

I'm treating a google sheet as a crude DB in which to dump details of all items in an issue-tracker (GitHub). A user can then add manual data in additional columns which must not get overwritten.

I want to set up different views e.g. one shows only open issues, one shows only bugs, etc.

It looks like Filter Views are the answer here but can I get an explicit URL to each one, to avoid my user having to figure them out? e.g. I can just say "this is the bug list URL"?

Best Answer

You can use =QUERY to filter on your range and pull out only the OPEN Issues.

You can share the URL with the link that goes straight to your 'OPEN' page.

Formula Used:

=Query(Sheet1!A:C, "Select * WHERE C = 'Open'") 

Sheet 1 - Master Sheet

Sheet 2 - Open Issues.